Monday, July 9, 2018

Impotant notices about the start of term 3

Kia ora Whanau

I hope you are having an enjoyable time with your respective children.  Here are some important dates about the start of next term:-

1.  Please could you book a parent/teacher interview with me.  You will need to go to the schoolinterviews website and log in the code that Marlene sent out on 5 July.  The interviews take place on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 August.

2.  The non-choristers will be going for a walk to the Community Gardens at the University on Friday 27 July.

3.  School photographs will take place on Thursday 2 August.

Ngā mihi nui

Ferrymead Pics

Kia ora Whanau

We had a great day at Ferrymead.  We learn't heaps about communication and how people used to communicate years ago.

Music from almost 100 years ago