Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 4 Update

Kia Ora Whanau

What a busy and exciting start to the year!  It has been absolutely non-stop with swimming, triathlon, mihi whakatau and the wonderful Camp.  I'd like to express my gratitude to all of you who made a contribution to the Camp, be it a meal, some transport or a chilli bin!  Thank you so much to those parents who actually slept over at the Camp.

I really welcome your suppport and encouragement of your child's learning.  Things that will be a major help are:-
1.  Asking them about what they are reading and if you can listen to them read that will be of huge benefit.  As part of their homework they must read 4 times a week (at least 15 minutes at one sitting).
2.  Getting them to show you what they are doing with the Mathletics programme.  They must do at least 40 minutes of Mathletics a week for homework.  I would expect most children to get a certificate at least 2 out of every 3 weeks.
3.  Ensureing they have the correct materials/clothing for the day.  eg Swimming togs everyday in February and on Tuesday and Thursdays in March.  Swimming will conclude at Easter.

Extension work
For the children who'd like to extend themselves there are some exciting options:-
1.  Science and Maths Badges
2.  Creative writing course
3.  Australasia assessments.  These are run by the University of New South Wales

The closing date for the Badges and Creative Writing is Friday 26 February.  If you would like your child to take part please see the office urgently to sign up.  There is a fee for each of these extension activities.

Current focus
Maths  -  mapping
Reading  - Reading and discussing stories from the School Journals.
Writing - Camp related and self related (ie origin of our names, our passions and 'the best part of me')

In a couple of weeks
We will start to develop our number knowledge in maths and also start to look at what makes a great team.  By the end of the term we will have developed a plan (charter) as to how Room 1 is going to become a great team this year.

Assistance in Room 1
We have some wonderful assistance in Room 1.  The very experienced Kirsten Aaron comes in from 11am to 12.30pm from Monday to Thursday.  The highly industrious Marilyn Hore is with us for about 15 hours a week.  We are fortunate to have the services of Karin Knowles who will be in Room 1 fortnightly on Wednesdays for the first term (while I find my feet!!!!)

If you have any questions about your child's learning please feel free to pop in either before or after school and if you can't get in please e-mail me on nigel.marsh@ilam.school.nz

I will update the Blog on a weekly basis before Thursday evening.  I will also post some pictures from time to time during the week.

I have loved my first month in Room 1 and am really excited about the year ahead


Room 1 Teacher
As part of our Inquiry 'This is me' we have each done a Digital Mihi.  This is Micky's work.
Below are some more action shots from Camp.


  1. Looks like you guys had fun!I wish I was there. :(

  2. I'm definitely doing Australasia assessments(ICAS tests).
    Micky,your Digital Mihi is nice. :)
