Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 8 Update

Kia Ora Whanau

A huge highlight of the week was the running of the School Assembly.  The class ran an excellent show.  We also had three Inquiry performances on Wednesday.

We have loved learning about the Festival of Eid.  We were most fortunate to have Monali (Jubaer's Mum) pop in to tell us more about Eid.  Fauzia ably backed up the words from Monali.  We wish our Muslim community 'Wa 'alaykum salaam'!

In maths next week we are going to learn about time.  In Literacy we will complete our character descriptions of a character out of 'The Power of One'.  There will be no art on Wednesday as we will be having an extended Team Time where 'Excellence Awards will be handed out.  We will have our final Turbo touch on Monday and there will definitely be some cricket somewhere in the mix. Athletics Sports Day is on Tuesday 25 October.  Something to look forward to.

The excitement is now really building for our trip to Orana Park on Thursday.  A big thank you to the following parents who will be driving us out to the Park and spending the day with us.  They are:- Phillip Walker, Tjun Blaikie, Caroline Chapman and Kaye Wolland.  We are extremely fortunate to also have Marilyn with us.  We will leave from school at 10.30am and we will be back at school by 3pm.  It promises to be a very enjoyable day.  It will be great to meet our cheetahs.  I can't wait!

Monali, Jubaer and Ozaar - Eid presentation


Just one more week before the holidays are upon us!  Enjoy the weekend

Nga mihi nui


  1. I really enjoyed art.It was really fun doing circles.I also learnt a lot about Eid fron Fauzia's and Monali's presentation.

  2. I am really enjoying the last few days for this term.I can't believe it's nearly the end of term 3.The year is going by quickly.I just want this year do restart.
